Welcome to Valentino's Carrd stash!

I'm gonna add on to this archive more and more as I make more carrds. This will start with a brief and chronological list, and since these are based off of my current fixation, or special interest (History/Historical Figures; right now these are presidents), they will have their full name so as to not raise confusion. They'll also be numbered, to probably teach some little gremlins swarming Neocities.

ALSO! Some of the presidents aren't here in that order yet. That's fine. I'll try making them ASAP to fill in the irregular order :)))

And yes, they all say the same thing.


George Washington; 1st President

John Adams; 2nd president

Thomas Jefferson; 3rd president (and the carrd that started it all!)

James Madison; 4th president

James Monroe; 5th president

John Quincy Adams; 6th president